additive manufacturing

/Tag:additive manufacturing

Factors that Affect Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Finish in AM

euspen (the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology), is in the process of finalising the organization of a Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting on advanced precision in additive manufacturing (AM) 16-18 September 2019. The SIG will this year be held in the Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Nantes, France, and represents the 6th time that

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Joint euspen/ASPE Event Covers Advanced Precision in Additive Manufacturing

euspen (the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology) in conjunction with the American Society of Precision Engineering (ASPE) will soon be hosting its 6th in a series of Special Interest Group meetings on Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing (AM). This year, the SIG will be held on 16-18 September 2019, in the Ecole Centrale

Joint euspen/ASPE Event Covers Advanced Precision in Additive Manufacturing

euspen (the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology), will be hosting a Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting on advanced precision in additive manufacturing (AM) 16-18 September 2019. The SIG will this year be held in the Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Nantes, France. The 2019 SIG represents the 6th time that euspen has joined forces

Annual Event Focuses on Role of Additive Manufacturing in Precision Engineering

Additive manufacturing (AM) continues to provoke huge discussion as it fundamentally questions preconceptions about the future of manufacturing. AM is no longer just a prototyping technology, and much of the focus today is on its transition to a viable and cost-effective direct manufacturing technology. With this transition comes an array of considerations that must be

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