13th Lamadamap Conference 2019 with be held at AMRC (Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre), Sheffield, UK, 13-14 March 2019
We are pleased to announce a short extension for those wishing to submit a short abstract for the 13th International Conference and Exhibition on Laser Metrology, Coordinate Measuring Machine and Machine Tool Performance, LAMDAMAP 2019

Join us at this conference where euspen draws together many of the worlds distinguished scientists from all areas of science, engineering and medicine. Advanced machine tool metrology supports superior part production; enabling, understanding and tracking of baseline performance machines. Whilst the trend towards nanometre level surfaces finishes and features progresses, matching both form and finish coherently in complex parts remains a major challenge.

Student scholarships available with special thanks to Heidenhain (GB) Ltd.  Please read the online guidance carefully and submit your application with all required documents by 23rd November 2018


  • Novel Manufacturing Technologies & Machine Tools
  • New Developments in Measurement Techniques
  • Performance Evaluation for Machine Tools and CMMs
  • Roughness and Machine Tool Standards
  • Metrology in New Fabrication Techniques
  • Robotics in Shop-floor Gauging

Exhibition and and event supporting opportunities available