euspen Lifetime Achievement Award for Prof. Hendrik van Brussel

/euspen Lifetime Achievement Award for Prof. Hendrik van Brussel/

euspen Lifetime Achievement Award for Prof. Hendrik van Brussel

During euspen’s 18th International Conference and Exhibition in Venice, Italy Prof. Em. Hendrik Van Brussel (euspen President 2007-2009) received a Life Time Achievement Award. Lifetime achievement awards are presented at the annual event to engineers and scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the development and growth of one or more aspects of the ultra-precision

Review of euspen’s 18th Annual Conference and Exhibition

Mikroniek 2018-3 - euspen Conference 2018 report Delegates and exhibitors have just returned from Venice, Italy having attended the 18th Annual Conference and Exhibition hosted by the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (euspen). This year the landmark euspen event was held at the striking Venice Terminal Passeggeri (VTP) in arguably one of Italy’s


(Cranfield, U.K. May 2018) We are on the final countdown to the 18th Annual Conference & Exhibition hosted by The European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (euspen), this year to be held in Venice, Italy 4-8 June 2018. In less than a week, leading industry players, researchers, and academics from around the world working


In less than a month, the cream of the precision engineering community will be focused on the latest developments and technology solutions in the exciting micro and nano manufacturing sector at euspen’s 18th Annual Conference and Exhibition in Venice, Italy. euspen (the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology) will be presenting an array of

The Precision Engineering Community Gathers in Venice

The cream of the micro and precision engineering community will be gathering in Venice, Italy this year at the 18th International Conference & Exhibition 4-8 June 2018. The conference and exhibition is organised annually by the The European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (euspen), which today is synonymous with the hosting of micro and


The 18th Annual Conference & Exhibition hosted by the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (euspen) will undoubtedly cement its position as the premiere networking forum for the precision engineering community. euspen’s annual event attracts a uniquely high calibre and focussed audience of leading experts from the commercial, academic, and research communities working in

NPL’s 3rd Dimensional X-ray Computed Tomography Conference

(2 - 3 July 2018, Jubilee Conference Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK) The National Physical Laboratory’s Dimensional X-ray Computed Tomography (dXCT) conference is an annual conference presenting and disseminating the latest developments in XCT for dimensional measurement and its industrial impact across a variety of applications. The conference is also expected to define synergies and opportunities

Manufacturing Engineering at DTU – New Year Get Together Networking Event

The section of Manufacturing Engineering at DTU - Technical University of Denmark has contributed to euspen with 21 publications including conference papers and contributions to the special interest group meetings. All of the posters and presentations got gathered today organized by Yang Zhang and Guido Tosello for a networking event. It is always a pleasure to gather and connect

European Conference on Nano Films

European Conference on Nano Films 20th -22nd March 2018, Cranfield University, UK Free exhibition space available euspen members are eligible to select the members discounted rate for this event ECNF 2018 will offer a unique opportunity to share some of the latest R&D work in nanofilms. It will truly be open to all active researchers

euspen’s 18th Annual Conference & Exhibition Hosted in Venice, Italy

The European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (euspen) continues to cement its status as the most proactive and prominent society in the vibrant precision engineering sector in Europe, and plans are well advanced for the 18th in its series of Annual conferences and exhibitions, this year to be held in Venice, Italy 4-8 June.

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